Friday, 23 October 2009

Monday, 28 September 2009

Workshop: Architecture in Motion

My Video is about the interaction of human activity with the Ground floor display area in Red Centre.

The back ground is static and unchanged and only the red human figures within the scene are moving.

The reason for this is that I think architecture is only making sense when there is human activity going on in it.

A cave is to shelter from rain and gust; a museum is to view beautiful artworks; a house is to provide comfort after a whole day of hard work...etc

An architecture without humanity is just an empty boring space with no soul.

This is also the reason why I colour the human figures with red instead of just black and white.

To reinforce the idea that human activities make the architecture colourful.

First Draft

Final Animation:

Monday, 22 June 2009

All the interviews I have mentioned in the explanations...

Just in case they do not sound like I made them up, here are all the interviews that I have mentioned quotes from in my explanations for concept and the environment....,9171,1594161,00.html
Miuccia's Material World
Thursday, Mar. 01, 2007

"...What's next? "I'm completely into innovation," she says. "I don't even want to see anything unless it looks completely new."..."
The other side of Mrs P
By Tina Gaudoin
From Times Online September 23, 2006

"...“You know,” she says, “in this company, they are terrified I will do a collection that will not sell. They sometimes suspect that I want to do an ‘unsellable’ collection – and it’s true. But I don’t do it,” she says, stirring the remains of her coffee faster and faster. “For me, the terror is not the press, it is what people in the company think. I don’t want them to say I have ruined it, but you know, I have an instinct, I know what I can and I can’t do. To move a brand on you have to do something new and always take risks.” ..."

"...There are no sketchbooks or scissors in her office because, as Mrs P has made widely known, she does not sketch or pattern cut; in fact, she has had no formal training at all. Instead, her design team, run by Fabio Zambernardi, translates the vision. She says the most difficult thing is to divine the title of the collection. “I have so many ideas, I get fascinated by something, but I must be careful that it’s not too personal. Once I have the title, I have the theoretical direction and it’s easier.” Sometimes a collection can emerge from an idea of four or even five seasons before: “The idea for my next collection, for example, is easily four seasons old. I saw it then, but I didn’t focus enough. Maybe other ideas were more important at the time.”..."

"... “The pressure is not from the outside, I pressurise myself – it’s a constant search for something new.”...";col1
Cover Story: The feeling is Miuccia Independent
by Susannah Frankel
The (London) , Feb 21, 2004

"....But what might we expect of Miuccia Prada? A former member of the Communist Party and graduate in political science, she is branded an "intellectual" designer. A modern art collector and creator of the ubiquitous black-nylon backpack, her media incarnation is anything but footloose and fancy-free. Miuccia Prada famously avoids the party circuit, preferring instead to spend time out with an intimate circle of family and friends. And while other designers bask in the glory of the biannual ovation that meets their collections, stepping out onto the runway surrounded by fawning models and armfuls of flowers, Miuccia Prada barely deigns to appear, peeping out for a second before disappearing again in the blink of an eye...."

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Additional furnitures

Prada and Madonna's stereo system...

Draft for coffee table

Final coffee table

Elevator for Madonna's Space

Larger images...

Prada's space's elevators...

Links to my map


Descriptions and Directions for Movers...

Floor of Prada's private space at the lower level...
I separated Prada's private pace for her design team since she feels pressure from their fear of her designing something that won't sell(from one of her interview...).
The floor can move up and down with trigger control (the control is above the gold clothes hanger) so that Prada can choose to think alone in her private space away from her design team...or working together with her team at the times that she wants.

Prada's space went up and away from her team...

Prada's private space with her coffee table and chair...

The view of the meeting space from Prada's elevator's view point...

The monitor in the design team space...
This monitor is used when Prada has some inspiration from images or video and she wants to show them to her team to let them understand more of her ideas...
(the monitor 's control is at the middle of the monitor... trigger control...)

The monitor without Prada's inspiration

Madonna's monitor....

This monitor is to show her works, songs and works as mirror when she is practicing her routine...

By the way, the little pink things in Madonna's space are her stereo system and camera for the monitor.
Where the TRIGGERS are!!??
(show by the red circles...please shoot the red area or the mover won't move )
First for Madonna's bring her to the meeting space
It is on the ground just in front of the elevator
In the meeting place....

This is the mover(6) for the sphere to open when Madonna's elevator arrives.... when you are nearly to the meeting place it is a good idea to shoot this area... or you would not be able to get out from it and the elevator will bring you back to Madonna's space...
Table and covering for the meeting space...
Trigger 10 is no the meeting table ...turning the trigger on will open the covering....for nice weather
Elevator from the meeting place to Prada's space...(Prada's personal elevator)

Walk from Madonna's elevator when arrive at the meeting place and shoot the edge of the other side(from Madonna's elevator).
Movers and Triggers in Prada's design team's space...there are three
(From the left...)
Mover3 for the monitor to show Madonna's images. All you need to do is shoot the red area then BOO! The monitor is for Prada to show her inspiration to her design team since she doesn't do any practical stuff herself(interview).
Mover4 for Prada's elevator to go meeting place from her's on the wardrobe...just shoot it when the character is in the elevator...or the mover would leave you.
...Although I have set ALL the movers with longer delay just in case some people might not as faimlia with the movers and elevators as I do.
...Above the gold clothes is the trigger that lower Prada's private space to the team's level when she wants to go/leave the lower/upper level.
For the designers' elevator
When they want to have a break in the relaxation area...after the hop on to the elevator...they need to turn the trigger (13)on by shooting the red area...
In the relaxation area for the designers/dancers...
When the designers want to go back to their studio...when they hop on to this elevator, they need to shoot the area(8) in front of the elevator as the indication.
In Madonna's space...
The dancers have to walk up the glass ramp and get to the top of it to take their elevator which leads them to the relaxation area.
The trigger(9) for this elevator is on the ground just in front of the elevator...

For them(dancers) to get back to their dancing studio...they need to shoot at the stair that is right opposite of the elevator....shoot it so the mover would's a bit slow due to the delay... but it will come...the elevator's movement is visible from the red area...

A brief tour and explanations for the map

The full view of the map...

Prada's sign on the outside of the bridge
The meeting place, Madonna's elevator, elevator for Madonna's dancers, and the top view of Madonna's office are visible from this view...
I used my own textures for Prada's surface and the floor for meeting place...
The texture for Prada's surface indicates the fashion's not always straight line and has different direction. The textures for the meeting place is bean-like, the shapes surrounds each other. I think that's how the two clients work, they need to cooperate each other, tolerate with each other to make good works.

Prada's design team's office...with mannequins and drawing/working tables.

I also put some simple wardrobe for the team to store their works. The gold mannequin is for final works which will be viewed by Prada. The gold clothes hanger in the middle is also for final works...when there are too many, the team can hang the works on the gold clothes hanger.

The outside view from design team's office...
This image also shows parts of the design team elevator which will lead them to their relaxing space and part of Madonna's elevator in the meeting space...

View from the meeting place...player standing on the meeting/dinning table...

The bottom of Prada's space is visible...with my own textures....I use the funky looking texture's for the inner floor of Prada's office because the way she design and the things she design is 'sort of' out of the trend. Also she has said in one of her interview that she does not want to see anything that is not new....This texture gives me the feeling of changing and new therefore I used it for her space.

The meeting table in meeting space...

It is made of spheres and I said because I want to balance the power of the two clients instead of one taking over another. I lifted it up by doubling the same shape and place it one on the other...because I do not want to put chairs for this table.
The reason for no chairs is because although this is a place for the two clients to two about their works, it is also a place for them to relax and have something to eat... sitting down one opposites another gives me a feeling of stressing.
In result of that thinking I figured it might be better to give them a round shape and let them choose wherever they want to sit instead specifying where to sit.
The sitting place is big enough for the two clients to sit or lie on it...which can be seen in the image.

The mover for Madonna's elevator and the cover of the meeting place...
I used the inspiration from the video of Ayumi's concert and made a sphere-shape opening for the elevator...
Although the two clients' power need to be balanced...Madonna is a star...She deserves/requires a significant and awsome entrance when she is working...
This contrasts with Prada... who is known to be her 'shyness' in her fashion show...different to common designer who walk out from the backstage and thank the audiences...Prada prefers to hide in the backstage and only have small peaks during the show instead of coming out...
Therefore comparing with Madonna, Prada's entrance from her office to the meeting place is not as special as Madonna.

Two images show the moving covering for the meeting place...the covering is for the change of weather...that is raining ...

Movers of Madonna's elevator opening...

The side view of the four spaces...

The relaxing space for design team and dancers... they share one...

The over-sized stairs are not for walking but for the people to sit on them when they are relaxing or eating...

View of Madonna and Prada's spaces from the relaxing space for the workers...

Closer look of the meeting place and Madonna's space from the relaxation area...

View of the meeting place and Prada's office from Madonna's space...