Sunday, 21 June 2009

Descriptions and Directions for Movers...

Floor of Prada's private space at the lower level...
I separated Prada's private pace for her design team since she feels pressure from their fear of her designing something that won't sell(from one of her interview...).
The floor can move up and down with trigger control (the control is above the gold clothes hanger) so that Prada can choose to think alone in her private space away from her design team...or working together with her team at the times that she wants.

Prada's space went up and away from her team...

Prada's private space with her coffee table and chair...

The view of the meeting space from Prada's elevator's view point...

The monitor in the design team space...
This monitor is used when Prada has some inspiration from images or video and she wants to show them to her team to let them understand more of her ideas...
(the monitor 's control is at the middle of the monitor... trigger control...)

The monitor without Prada's inspiration

Madonna's monitor....

This monitor is to show her works, songs and works as mirror when she is practicing her routine...

By the way, the little pink things in Madonna's space are her stereo system and camera for the monitor.
Where the TRIGGERS are!!??
(show by the red circles...please shoot the red area or the mover won't move )
First for Madonna's bring her to the meeting space
It is on the ground just in front of the elevator
In the meeting place....

This is the mover(6) for the sphere to open when Madonna's elevator arrives.... when you are nearly to the meeting place it is a good idea to shoot this area... or you would not be able to get out from it and the elevator will bring you back to Madonna's space...
Table and covering for the meeting space...
Trigger 10 is no the meeting table ...turning the trigger on will open the covering....for nice weather
Elevator from the meeting place to Prada's space...(Prada's personal elevator)

Walk from Madonna's elevator when arrive at the meeting place and shoot the edge of the other side(from Madonna's elevator).
Movers and Triggers in Prada's design team's space...there are three
(From the left...)
Mover3 for the monitor to show Madonna's images. All you need to do is shoot the red area then BOO! The monitor is for Prada to show her inspiration to her design team since she doesn't do any practical stuff herself(interview).
Mover4 for Prada's elevator to go meeting place from her's on the wardrobe...just shoot it when the character is in the elevator...or the mover would leave you.
...Although I have set ALL the movers with longer delay just in case some people might not as faimlia with the movers and elevators as I do.
...Above the gold clothes is the trigger that lower Prada's private space to the team's level when she wants to go/leave the lower/upper level.
For the designers' elevator
When they want to have a break in the relaxation area...after the hop on to the elevator...they need to turn the trigger (13)on by shooting the red area...
In the relaxation area for the designers/dancers...
When the designers want to go back to their studio...when they hop on to this elevator, they need to shoot the area(8) in front of the elevator as the indication.
In Madonna's space...
The dancers have to walk up the glass ramp and get to the top of it to take their elevator which leads them to the relaxation area.
The trigger(9) for this elevator is on the ground just in front of the elevator...

For them(dancers) to get back to their dancing studio...they need to shoot at the stair that is right opposite of the elevator....shoot it so the mover would's a bit slow due to the delay... but it will come...the elevator's movement is visible from the red area...

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